Saturday, August 31, 2019
Bang and Olufsen
Bang and Olufsen uses the analytic approach to management. This is clearly seen in the phases of their design and production. Analytic design mostly structures their designs as engineering challenges (Lester, et. al. , 2002). The step-by step procedure of producing their products begins with the designers given free-reign over the design. It is, however, the engineers that are given the challenge to produce these designs realistically. Contrast this with interpretative management, which views designs as a ââ¬Å"liberal artâ⬠(Lester, et.à al, 2002).However, there are some aspects of the B&O design process that bear a mark of this interpretative management system, specifically in the process where B&O acquires feedback from consumers to help update their design. The ââ¬Å"artful makingâ⬠aspect in the B&O design process may be observed in the designing phase, wherein the designers are free to design products with ââ¬Å"substanceâ⬠. It may also be seen in the Ideala b aspect of B&O, where they produce concepts and products that are innovative and revolutionary.It is interesting to note that Alessiââ¬â¢s design process bears a resemblance to B&Oââ¬â¢s. This similarity may be seen in the stages of the design process where the product starts of with the designers and end with the engineers and the manufacturing process. However, what is unique about B&O is that their designers are given free-reign ââ¬â that is, in Alessi, the designers are influenced by the engineering problems that will arise over their design concepts. The B&O approach is not entirely human-centered.Human-centered design is primarily observed in the goal of the design process: to create something that will suit the lifestyle of the consumer. It is however, interesting to note that the human-centered design is absent in the acquisition of feedbacks from the customer. B&O does not produce their designs due to the consumerââ¬â¢s negative of positive opinions on what th ey should do. Instead, B&O gives their designers the freedom and the challenge to produce their concepts from scratch.B&O emphasizes the importance of mobility, flow, and smartness among John Thackaraââ¬â¢s design principles. Mobility is exemplified by the universality of their designs. Flow is seen in the design process itself, wherein the product is taken into a step-by-step process. And smartness can be observed in the function of their designs in the real world, beyond concepts. References: Lester, Richard K. , Pior, Michael J. , Malek, Kamal M. Interpretative management: what general managers can do for design. Managing Innovation and Change. Henry Jane, Mayle, David. 2002. SAGE.
Friday, August 30, 2019
The new graduate
The new graduate nurses (NGN) are faced with various issues and challenges especially in their first year of nursing practice. The period of transition from a student to a graduate nurse is a demanding period that is filled with new experiences and there are several concerns and factors that can affect the transition process. The research into the issues has recommended some strategies that can be utilised to ease the transition process from being a student to a professional practicing nurse.Exhaustion, reality shock and time management are some of the actors and issues that the new graduate might encounter during their first year in their career. There are several recommended programs, which have been developed to address the issues that influence the transition period such as mentoring, support networks and time management planners. This essay will discuss in detail the range of issues, as well as the strategies and resources to facilitate the adjustment to the new role of a new re gistered nurse. Romyn et al. 2009) states some factors that influence the transition period from a student to a graduate nurse and how quickly newly graduate nurses are able to emonstrate mastery of their new role including personal qualities of the individual registered nurse such as age, previous work experience, maturity and aspirations. It was found that students who have worked as nursing assistants seemed to do better in their role as they had early hands-on experience. Other factors include the quality of educational preparation received during their pre-registration nursing program and the period of clinical experiences.Also, the duration and quality of transition programs for new graduates which is provided by institutions of employment, the ttitudes and behavior of the more experienced nurses in employing institutions as well as the demands been placed on the registered nurse in clinical situations (Chang & Daly, 2012). Fink, Krugman, Casey and Goode (2008) found that the transition of graduate nurses from a student into a professional practice setting is a concern, which is long- standing and widely recognised as a period of stress, reality shock and role adjustment.This is often due to the fact the students are been observed by a nurse when performing clinical tasks. Once the student graduates, they experience reality shock, when they try to adjust to their new role. Reality shock is a term used to describe a gap between what the students are taught to expect, and what is actually experienced during their early stages of work and often the shock occurs when the new graduate nurses discover it difficult to integrate the knowledge obtained in the university into their daily protessional practice.Moreover they discover there is a theory- practice gap as the theory they have been taught in lectures differs to the theory required in a clinical setting (Vieira da Silva et al. , 2010). Duchscher (2008) states that the discrepancies between what graduates understand s nursing from the real world of delivery of health care service compared to their education leaves the new nursing graduates with a sense of groundlessness.The nursing environment moves the new graduates away from the nursing practice adopted in their educational process towards a more productive, efficient and achievement-oriented context that places importance on institutionally imposed social goals which leads to role ambiguity and internal conflict. Duclos-Miller (2011) identified that role stress, role overload and role ambiguity all contribute to transition issues. Role stress is the incongruence between perceived xpectations, role and achievements, which occurs due to the status change from a student to graduate nurse.Furthermore, difficulty experienced from the challenges of the new role, such as lack of consistent and clear information about the behavior expected from them, lack of clearly specified responsibilities, lack of confidence, as well as coping with th e beginning level of competence as a registered nurse (Duclos- Miller, 2011). Role ambiguity is the lack of information needed for role definition and behavior that is expected in their new role, which includes the psychological, social aspects of role performance.Whereas, role overload includes learning of new roles, difficulty with time management and prioritising task. Also other stressors include the feeling of not being competent, encountering new procedures and situations, fear of making mistakes due to increased workload and working with experienced staff nurses that are unwilling to assist (Duclos-Miller, 2011). West, Ahern, Byrnes and Kwanten (2007) indicate that the new graduate nurses may have not worked full-time in the past; given that graduate nurses begin their career with a full-time Job can lead to exhaustion.It was discovered that shift work leads to esynchronisation of physiologically determined circadian rhythms which has a major psychobiology effect and it is co mmonly perceived the effects of shift work contribute to graduate nurses attrition rate. The NGNs often have a high level of stress due to disturbed sleeping patterns, as they find to adaption to shift work or rotating work hours difficult. Eventually, it leads to feelings of lack of Job satisfaction, exhaustion and spending of less time with their friends and family, which can eventually could lead to burnout (West et al. 2007). Dyess and Sherman (2009) found that new graduate nurses expressed concerns bout their ability to delegate and supervise other nurses or unlicensed assistive personnel as they felt unprepared to deal with any type of conflict, they tend to avoid any type of situation rather than confront the situation, as they felt unequipped to explore to conflict professionally. Another issue encountered by the NGN is the ability to communicate witn physicians and other members ot the multidisciplinary team ot which interactions with physicians were a source of anxiety and stress.Moreover, the lack of professional confidence that new graduate may feel can be heightened, when nother professional expresses disgust or uses a gruff tone. This is a safety issue because a sense of insecurity can contribute to the NGN avoiding contact with the physician, unless a patient experiences an extreme physiological decline (Dyess & Sherman, 2009). Morrow (2009) states that most graduate nurses experience horizontal violence in their first year of practice, they felt undervalued and neglected by other nurses and experienced rude and humiliating verbal statements and unjust criticism.The most common form of horizontal violence was in form of psychological harassment, which ncludes intimidation, exclusion, and innuendos. The cumulative impact may lead to absenteeism and frustration that may lead to the consideration of leaving the nursing profession (Morrow, 2009). In order for the factors and issues that surround the transition from a student to a graduate nurse to b e addressed, certain strategies needs to be implemented that can ease the transition period.An Important strategy that can be implemented to assist the graduate nurses to assimilate into a professional working environment is a graduate program. It will aid to build the confidence of the new graduate nurse hrough the provision of support and mentorship during their period of adjustment, and assist the new nurse to assimilate into the hospital environment, think critically and problem solve which will allow the graduates to deal with obstacles encountered in patient care and prepare them for a lifelong learning and also help them in the integration of theory to practice (Davey & Vittrup, 2009).The creation of formal preceptor and mentorship is an effective strategy to facilitate a successful transition. A preceptor is an assigned role in which a capable employee assists with the development and orientation of the new graduate; they are usually esponsible for evaluation and supervising the work of the preceptee. However, a mentor actively supports the graduate nurse with personal and career development, personal support, counseling and acceptance. Also, they help the novice nurse to raise their confidence and recognise their limitations.In addition, mentors help novice nurses in setting realistic goals by recommending appropriate courses of action (Ellis & Hartley, 2012). NGN require resources and information that are designed to facilitate their adjustment in a clinical area, which will enable them to gain skills and knowledge to perform satisfactorily in their Job. Resources such as an orientation program involves the induction of a NGN to the organisational mission and vision statement, as well as an introduction to the procedures and policies related to nursing activities such as medication administration.An appropriate orientation and induction program will ensure that a NGN can safely plan and conduct patient care. In addition, with an appropriate orientati on program the NGN is aware of the overall culture of the hospital, which can make the NGN to teel accepted and part ot a team in a clinical environment, which can promote overall positive outcomes with workplace atisfaction of the NGN (Burgess & D' Hondt, 2007).Effective strategies that enhance the time management skills which is one of the above mentioned issue for new graduates are to arrive to work much earlier, avoiding distractors such as focusing on issues of co-workers, assess patients to note if any extra supplies will be needed to carry out clinical procedures, keeping shift record on track and to chart during the shift and not at the end of the shift and prioritise task to be performed (Booth, 2011).However, to prioritise task the novice nurse needs to learn how to delegate. First, to enhance the skill the nurse should consider how others have delegated to them, consider their body language when delegating by maintaining eye contact, being pleasant and leave any room for suggestions, but ensure they are not intimidated by writing a list of task and posting it at the nurses station, it leaves little room for a misunderstanding (Cherry ; Jacob, 2008).
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Interracial Relationships in Mississippi Masala Movie Review
Interracial Relationships in Mississippi Masala - Movie Review Example The focus in Mississippi Masala shall be on three key parts of the film- the familyââ¬â¢s displacement from Uganda owing to the ââ¬Å"Africa for the Africansâ⬠ethnic cleansing movement started by the dictator Idi Amin and their friendship with Okelo, the racism prevalent within historically marginalized groups seen in the stigma against dark skin within the Indian family and the manner in which the relationship between Mina and Demetrius reveals the racism embedded within their respective families. The backdrop is significantly the Mississippi countryside with a long history of slavery and institutionalized racism, the lingering effects of which continue to inform the filmââ¬â¢s thematic concerns.The forced immigration of Minaââ¬â¢s family from Uganda is a deliberate backdrop to the romance between Mina and Demetrius. The intolerance that the Indian family faces in the dictatorial regime of Idi Amin quite ironically does not render them (albeit Mina) more egalitarian in their views on race. Despite their close personal ties with the nation of Uganda and their relationship with Okelo, a man who ensures their safe departure amidst much racial profiling and persecution at severe personal risk, their reluctance to accept their daughterââ¬â¢s relationship with an African American man shows the way in which racial intolerance can dwell in vicious cycles. In a somewhat similar episode from the film, the figure of the Indian hotel owner is shown to express a phony notion of unity between people of color when he faces the threat a potential lawsuit from Demetrius and Tyrone. This apparent camaraderie is shattered when meeting Mina and Demetrius in Biloxi and learns of their affair. He defames Demetrious and robs him of much of his business. Demetrius, in turn, files the lawsuit that he has earlier agreed to forego on goodwill further deepening the hostility between the two communities.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Business management - labour law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Business management - labour law - Essay Example Discrimination in the workplace is regarded as unlawful in the eyes of law on the following grounds: age; disability; gender reassignment; marriage and civil partnership; pregnancy and maternity; race, caste, ethnicity, national origin or skin colour; religion or belief; sex; sexual orientation; part-time work; fixed-term work; trade union membership or activities. The Equality Act 2010 seeks to protect the employees from various types of discrimination which is rampant at the workplace. This includes: direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, harassment as well as victimization. However, in order to further strengthen the law against discriminatory practices in employment, and widen its scope, a new type of discrimination viz-a-viz dual discrimination has been added by way of section 14 (Hepple, et al., 2000). According to section 14 of Equality Act 2010: Combined discrimination: dual characteristics (1) A person (A) discriminates against another (B) if, because of a combinati on of two relevant protected characteristics, A treats B less favourably than A treats or would treat a person who does not share either of those characteristics (, 2011). According to this newly introduced law, discrimination claims can now be brought in relation to a combination of two protected characteristics: which includes - age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation (, 2011). Currently the law only allows for claims of discrimination to be filed in only one particular category of discrimination such as gender or race, but the new law i.e. dual discrimination, seeks to widen this scope to include two of the listed forms of discrimination. For instance earlier, black women victims of discrimination could only claim discrimination on the basis of either race or gender but with the introduction of section 14, they can now claim discrimination on the grounds of both race as well as gender. Further more, the new provision has opened avenues for victims of workplace discrimination, where it was impossible for them to file such a claim under the previous law. A black woman was discriminated against on the grounds of race and gender could not claim discrimination if the employer hired a black man and a white woman for the same job. However, section 14 which allows the victims to claim dual discrimination can now effectively do so, by demonstrating that they have been subjected to less favourable treatment on the basis of their race as well as gender, citing the previous example. Brief Overview: The Equality Act 2010 is a result of efforts put in by the Labour Government as well as the active campaigning by various Human Rights group seeking for prevention of discriminatory work practices in employment. The act is currently applicable across Great Britain i.e. England, Scotland, and Wales and is not applicable in Ireland. The fundamental aim of this act is to adopt an inclusive ou tlook towards key issues enforced under one single commission. This is achieved by clarifying various definitions of discrimination, as explained under the act and applies them in accordance with the respective protected characteristics. The introduction of a new section under this act has led to an expansion of duties of the public
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Induvidual 3 ENG Litrature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Induvidual 3 ENG Litrature - Essay Example They wore a lot of make-up, thin bright dresses, tilted slippers fancifully strapped. They looked conspicuous cheap and charming, so much so tht they attracted a lot of attention from the young men around. Their conversation could be considered ordinary and foolish, but typically that of working girls who lived at home with her family and paid half of their salary to its support. It cannot be denied, however, that both had a strong sense of the imaginative as proven by their game of inheriting a million dollars. Like children they were not above having tiffs at the slightest provocation, but making up a little later as though nothing happened. This ââ¬Å"gameâ⬠was cooked up by Annabel which was no more than the ancient sport of what-would-you-do-if-you-had-a-million-dollars? One must suppose that someone dies and leaves you a million dollars. A condition in the bequest is that the heiress must spend every nickel of the money on herself. This game tells us that both girls long for a change in their socio-economic status. They desire to be wealthy enough to buy clothes worn by wealthy people and accompanying adornments such as pearl necklaces. They were both of the belief that it canââ¬â¢t hurt anyone for after all, it was just a game. Parker was well known for her sharp tongue and malicious wit. This definitely shows in the style of her story. Consider her description of the food the girls ate on weekends, they lunched on sugar, starches, oils and butter-fats. Usually they ate sandwiches of spongy new white bread greased with butter and mayonnaise. They ate thick wedges of cake lying wet beneath ice cream and whipped cream and melted chocolate gritty with nuts. As alternates, they ate patties, sweating beads of infereior ol, containing bits of bland meat bogged in pale, stiffening sauce, etc.â⬠Parkerââ¬â¢s witty description of fatty foods
Monday, August 26, 2019
Tylenol Recall Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Tylenol Recall - Research Paper Example and Drug Administration regulator supervised the removal of five Tylenol products from the shelves after consumers complained that Tylenol bottles had a moldy like odor. Some of the consumers reported experiencing stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting after taking pills from those packages. ( On that same year, the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulator issued a press release statement expanding the recall that included all Tylenol arthritis pain drugs. According to the ABC news network, a further 54 million bottles and packages of pills were pulled from the shelves across the country that year. To the consumers, the Tylenol recall came as a relief especially since they had complained a year earlier about the productsââ¬â¢ packaging ( On one of the news report aired on the ABC news network, the complaints are reported to have started back in the year 2008 but it is only after the FDA intervened that Johnson and Johnson reacted extensively. The following year, there was a massive voluntary recall by Johnson & Johnson Company under the FDA supervision. The recall saw McNeil consumer Healthcare, a child company of Johnson and Johnson, take actions to compensate its customers. According to the FDA press statement, a consumer who had purchased Tylenol arthritis pain medicine were requested to stop taking the pills and seek either refunds or replacement from the company. After pulling millions of bottles from the shelves , the government began a series of criminal investigations. In a federal court case in Philadelphia dated 10th march, 2015, McNeil settled for a criminal fine of 20 million dollars following an incidence that dates back to 1st May, 2009. A consumer had reported finding foreign materials in an infant Tylenol medication. Investigations later confirmed the materials to be harmful. Many of the widely products were pulled from the shelves affecting its millions of users. For example, Tylenol arthritis medicine was one the
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Business competitive Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Business competitive - Case Study Example Despite our commitment to delivery of quality products, the company has recently been faced with safety challenges following the meat poisoning incident in Saskatchewan, Canada which was traced back to the companyââ¬â¢s meat products. This incident led to temporary closure of the Winnipeg processing plant by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and the management has fully cooperated with the authorities for a revision of cleaning protocols at the plant. However, the closure led to cutting of working hours for some of our employees who were seemingly not pleased with the move. The companyââ¬â¢s communication office has been closely monitoring the situation with an aim of assuring the public of our continued commitment to safety issues, and most importantly to avoid any further panic which would greatly affect our operations and overall profitability. In doing so, the Director of Communications has continuously monitored reporting of the incident by the media and keeps a c lose scrutiny of both employee and customer comments and reactions regarding the incident. This led to the discovery of unpleasant commentaries on one of the social media sites regarding Oaktreeââ¬â¢s commitment to safety and customer concerns. ... serve as a long-term strategy to crisis management and in particular to address issues of employee communications and responses towards internal organizational crisis. However, it is important to note that the recommendations given here are subject to various internal and external constraints including but not limited to budgetary issues that may hinder financing of a proposed strategic solution. In addition, methods of aligning mentioned recommendations with the overall company strategic plans and objectives, and government regulations on human resource engagement with employees. Situation Analysis The above illustrated situation qualifies to be termed a crisis and its management involves pre-established activities and guidelines for adequate preparation and response to incidents that may damage the companyââ¬â¢s integrity and reputation. It is therefore essential that human resource managers establish a collaborative work culture with to-down commitment to ensure that effective solutions are in place. This important role of the human resource function of the organization ensures that organization problems are sufficiently diagnosed. The above situation has never been experienced before which calls for development of a new strategic plan into the overall company strategic plan. It is however important to note that any plan recommended for implementation might be met with some degree of negative response from especially the employees as it will imply newer channels of working in the company. One of the internal factors that has been identified as influencing employee behaviour is the actions of colleagues which calls for development of an internal culture that will see to it that the companyââ¬â¢s integrity is upheld at all times in order to ensure increased productivity.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Market Model Patterns of Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Market Model Patterns of Change - Essay Example Wal-Mart is a perfect example of a business operating in an oligopolistic market structure. This is because they have low prices in the market enabling them compete healthily with other businesses dealing in similar products/services. Secondly, Wal-Mart operates with fewer sellers in the market giving them mutual interdependence over the other firms in the business. The long term effect of Wal-Mart operating an oligopoly will result to rise of economies of scale. This is because they will take advantage of having been in the markets to put barriers to other business wishing to join the business. Secondly, Operating under oligopoly market structure, Wal-Mart may collude to form a monopoly form of market structure, therefore, dictating their terms in the market. As a short term effect, Wal-Mart will be forced to renew their strategies of working because they will be facing different competitors in the market (Roberts & Berg, 2012). Factors affecting Wal-Mart competitiveness is their capability in retailing. The business has various stores situated in various strategic places. These stores seek their profits by retailing their products through high volumes and using low mark-ups to give them a competitive advantage over other business dealing in the same line of products. Secondly, Wal-Mart achieves their competitiveness owing to their standardized pallets, tight delivery schedules and computerized tracking. This has given them an edge over many businesses dealing in the same line since they are not in a position to raise enough capitol to ensure efficiency in the systems. They are also able to use their technology as a source of marketing, therefore, minimize on their revenue spending. Thirdly, Wal-Mart prices play a significant role in influencing their activities and encouraging their competitiveness to other businesses. This is because it is an economy of scale, therefore, they purchase raw materials at a m uch cheaper price
Avon Company Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Avon Company - Research Paper Example The company has 43,000 employees, is on the New York Stock exchange with the ticker symbol AVP and the NAIC is 32562 Toilet Preparation Manufacturing and 45439 Other Direct Selling Establishments. The company has recently made efforts to go back to its originating sales model where sales representatives are given a career opportunity through selling their products (Reference for Business, 2011). A new sales Leadership Model, a formation of the Direct-Selling Model, however, has been put into place as the former pyramid model has been a cause for concern with a reputation of impossible goals. The company currently has over 650,000 sales representatives in the United States, however, 70-75% of the sales are still from international subsidiaries. There is a poor retention rate, however, so therefore the three level Leadership Model has provided for a structure of mentorship where each salesperson recruits others and mentors them towards the next level. In the Leadership Model, each sale s person must sell themselves, rather than living off of the sales of others as is done in the pyramid model. (Willet, 2010). According to Avon Company, Inc. (2011), ââ¬Å"Avon has a proven history of delivering first-to-market beauty technologies, making the company a perennial game-changerâ⬠. ... As the first product offered by the Avon company, perfume and fragrance products are a central part of the Avon line. Personal Care products are defined by the older, well-respected and popular line Skin-so Soft, as well as newer lines such as Avon Naturals, Liiv Botanicals, Moisture Therapy, and Foot Works. The Haircare lines are an important part of the company as well and are under the brand Advance Techniques, Color Protection, Daily Shine, Damage Repair, Frizz Control, Keep Clear, Volume, Toni Brattin, and Conair. The final division is under the heading Jewelry which has the brand Inspirational Treasures under the general Avon brand. Avon also sells clothing with the brands Curves and Slim Wear as two of the brands underneath the overall basic Avon heading. Avon also sells divisions of goods under the headings home, children, which includes bath and body, fashion, room decor, and toys, men, which highlights a line of skincare and fragrance under the celebrity name Patrick Dempse y (Avon Company, Inc., 2011). Avon also sponsors several lines of products that are associated with fundraising and dedicated to the betterment of the world. The products that are purchased through these divisions go towards contributions to individual organizations that have social relevance. Avon Walk Products are dedicated towards breast cancer awareness and research. Pink Ribbon Products are dedicated towards the same goals as the Avon Walk Products. The Empowerment Collection is dedicated towards womenââ¬â¢s empowerment issues and supports various causes that are relevant to the advancement of womenââ¬â¢s issues. Finally, Hello Green Tomorrow, which currently only includes an aluminum water bottle, is
Friday, August 23, 2019
Eating Habits Among Teenagers Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Eating Habits Among Teenagers - Research Paper Example These two programs bring into the consciousness of the American public the fact that childhood obesity has become quite a problem. Statement of the Problem According to the American Heart Association (2012) childhood obesity is still a problem in the United States. One in six children, ages two to 19 are obese and one in three are considered overweight. Further, children who are obese have a 70% of becoming obese adults. Unfortunately, these statistics are higher for this age group than they were in the 1970s. Part of the challenge is that children are exposed to more fast food choices and junk food than in other generations (Salvy, de la Haye, Bowker, and Hermans, 2012). Obese children also have a tendency to associate with other obese children which makes it difficult for obese children to understand that they are obese (Salvy et al., 2012). Dorfman and Wootan (2012) add that children are exposed to a variety of adds for fast foods and other unhealthy foods, which contributes to th e problem. Also, children generally eat what their parents eat, and if parents have poor eating habits, their children also have poor eating habits (Dorman & Wootan, 2012). What is clear, is that there must be something that changes the way that Americans think about food and how they teach about food to their children. Also, the entire community must be involved in order to understand how to curb this problem (ââ¬Å"Letââ¬â¢s Moveâ⬠, 2012). Literature Review Much of the literature has studied childhood obesity as a whole and has not specifically separated teen eating habits from the rest of the literature. Several studies have also been done regarding the specific causes of obesity without providing an idea of interventions. Some of the literature shows the relationship between the parentsââ¬â¢ attitudes about food and how they influence the way that the teen eats. Honisett, Woolcock, Porter, & Hughes (2009) reported on a program in Australia called, Kids - 'Go for your life', in which the creators of the program brought together primary school, early childhood services, family daycare programs and kindergartens to teach them about healthy eating and physical activity. The way the program brought these agencies together was to provide a membership (free) that provided resources, training, and a reward program. When the organization goes through the program and makes a commitment to promoting healthier schools, they also receive a sign to place at their front door to show they are committed to healthy eating and physical activity so that the community will also know. Sealy (2010) points out that children begin to understand eating habits from their parents, and often, parents rely on fast food when they have little money or when they are rushed. Backett-Milburn, Wills, Roberts, and Lawton (2010) also interviewed teens and found that parents controlled what children ate at home. Coppinger, Jeanes, Hardwick, & Reeves (2012) found that teenagerââ¬â ¢s eating habits varied between genders. For example, the authors found that boys are more prone to eat junk food or other unhealthy food than girls. The authors also found a connection between BMI and a childââ¬â¢s breakfast consumption. If the child ate breakfast regularly, they had ââ¬Å"significantly lower BMI Z scoresâ⬠(p. 46) than those who did not. Older boys were less likely to eat breakfast than other children. The literature on eating habits of teenagers is not restricted to the United States. In fact, much of the
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Life Payments Essay Example for Free
Life Payments Essay It is 10:33 AM. You are awaken abruptly from your alarm. You prepare yourself for the day ahead. The day has been going well so far. It is now 12:25 PM. You step into your vehicle hoping to stop at the best burger place in town for lunch. The preceding are the last thing you remember when you wake up cold, sweaty, and drowsy from your coma. Changing perspectives, you are a family member now. Your brother has been in a horrific car accident and is in a coma for thirteen days now. How will you communicate with him? How will you tell him that you love him and are here for him? Most importantly, how do you know that he is still alive? For those who dont know, a coma is a persistent vegetative state, also known as PVS. Coma is also defined as a state of almost total unresponsiveness to external stimulation in which the patient lies with his eyes closed. It is a condition in which the normal cognitive and communicative functioning of the patient is hampered. A coma may occur for various reasons, such as intoxication, CNS (central nervous system) diseases, a serious injury, and hypoxia (oxygen deprivation). But there have been a number of cases across the world like the example mentioned above. A 26-year-old patient named Kate Bainbridge had a viral infection which had put her in a coma ââ¬â a condition that generally persists for two to four weeks, after which patients die, recover fully or, in rare cases, slip into a vegetative or a minimally conscious state. (Tutton) And there is most notably Rom Houben, also known as Patient 23. Allan Hall reports ââ¬Å"Alive but unresponsive, he has been in a coma for 23 years since he has been 24 years old. Ongoing research in the field of comatose communication has found out that there may be small ââ¬Å"islandsâ⬠of consciousness, even in persistent vegetative states, like such in Houbenââ¬â¢s case. And this is how, through comatose communication and other methods such as fMRIs, they were able to conclude that Houben was still alive in his body. This could be another example of how the conscious is separate from the physical body. So why should you care? How can coma work help patients, families, and caregivers? Coma work furthers the internal and external ommunication of patients in altered consciousness. This can aid patients to complete inner work and spontaneously come closer to the surface, and at times even all the way out of coma or other altered consciousness. With metabolic comas emergence can be quick and dramatic. Mark Tutton, an author at CNN. com, reports ââ¬Å"a study carried out last year on 103 patients by Laureys and his colleagues at Lieges Coma Science Group found that 41 percent of patients in a Minimally Conscious State (MCS) were misdiagnosed as being in the much more serious Vegetative State (VS). Dr. Daniel Hanley, professor of neurology at Johns Hopkins Medicine, in Maryland, told CNN that VS is a coma-like state in which patients have a sleep and wake cycle, and can show reflex chewing, swallowing and blinking, but dont respond to language or stimulation. â⬠With coma from traumatic brain injury and other causes, progress is usually slow, but measurable. Progress can be accelerated if the awareness for coma communication is heightened. Families and caregivers are often relieved to find ways to communicate with loved ones and clients about treatment options, life and death decisions, and love and personal connection. Family and caregivers often feel validated about their perceptions of subtle cues they have noticed. Now put the shoe on the other foot and imagine if you yourself were to be in a coma today. Wouldnââ¬â¢t you like a way to tell your family that you are alive, are ready to fight through it and come out of your PVS state? Surely yes.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
American Dream expressed in All My Sons
American Dream expressed in All My Sons Throughout literature writings of tragedy that have been important, such as the play Hamlet. Their plots were usually tragic however the themes established, such as the tragic hero, brought up ideas that were intense and that could be talked about and thought about widely. Ive noticed throughout many plays I have read in modern literature, that there are very little tragedies that have been written. I know that Arthur Miller is one of many authors that did write plays of tragedy. Miller wrote a lot of tragedies that made him very successful in receiving many awards and respect from his fellow peers. One of the many tragedies Miller wrote was the play All My Sons, that was about lies and corruption of a man and the punishment of consequential events. Miller also showed the American Dream by revealing some deep tragedies in the lives of his characters. According to the modern idea of tragedy, the characters should be responsible for their actions while facing any kind of moral problem. They create several wrong choices and results for themselves which directs them on the border of the worst kind of tragedy. The themes presented corruption and dishonesty which strengthened the terrible atmosphere that the play had. These topics in the play were developed because of the events of Mr. Keller, in which could also be well thought-out to be a terrible guy. It was hard for me to choose just on theme for this paper, so I included some themes that I felt were most important in this play. The themes in All My Sons are mostly from the idea of principles, the laws that man follows through our sense of right and wrong. One of the themes that come out from these morals is the values of an individuals existence. The topic is obvious once it is associated with the Keller family, wherever an argument between loss and morals was talked about between one another. Joe Keller was in charge of the distribution out defective cylinder heads during World War II, in which the deaths of twenty-one fighter pilots became the end result of it. Keller thought the deaths of the fighter pilots were reasonable since his business was kept by him, in which kept his family financially stable and healthy. A quote from the play is, You lay forty years into a business and the knock you out in five minutes, what could I doà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Chris, I did it for youà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦For you, a business for you (Miller, 6970)! The wife of Joe, Kate Keller, supported him for the reason that if Joe was in charge of the deaths of the fighter pilots, then he might have been guilty for his sons death who was a fighter pilot, his name Larry Keller Your brothers alive, darling, because if hes dead, your father killed him (Miller, 68). Kate was just like Joe her husband. She didnt see the full degree of his crime. She was only concerned about the family. Kellers explanation and Kates lack of knowledge of the kills were intended to help the familys foundation such as the failure of morals to be manifested throughout the people in the family. The two children of the family have their own sights on morals that are different from their parents. When the crimes of Chriss father were brought out to the light, Chris ordered a justification for his fathers actions Then you did it. To the othersà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦you killed twenty-one menà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦You killed them, your mur dered them (Miller, 68-69)! Chris was very surprised that his father had done this, and once Joe tried to give good reason for it, he was surprised and angry, For me! I was dying everyday and you were killing my boys and you did it for me?Youre not even an animal, no animal kills his own, what are you?I ought to tear the tongue out of your month (Miller, 71). Chriss outlook on morals began the argument with his father, but once Larrys outlook was revealed, this conflict rises I read about Dad..How could he have done that?if I had him here now I could kill himà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦I cant bear to live anymore (Miller, 83). Larry committed suicide because he was embarrassed of his fathers crime that he committed. The Keller familys sons had a diverse vision on morals from their parents setting a very high standard for them to live on. These conflicting observations among the children and the parents had cause Joe Keller to commit suicide. Kellers morals covered only his family, therefore when he recognized that the crime he committed was the product of his sons death, he then committed suicide by not being capable to bear the moral crime he committed. The end result of the argument resulted in suicide, creating this a tragic theme. Another theme that comes from morals is honesty. This theme is important because every character in the play is mostly involved in it. Joe Keller is one character that is important in it. His friends and family members were lied to by him when he told them that he was not involved with the making of the defected cylinder heads. The revelation and truth about his crime was discovered when his Kate didnt continue to be dishonest with people, when people thought he was sick during the war Well, sureà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦I meant except for that flu. Well, it slipped my mind; dont look at me that way (Miller, 65). It was only when Chris cross-examined Joe, that he revealed the truth about his crime. Keller lied to Herbert after informing him, that he would receive the responsibility for the defected cylinder heads. As soon as the time came to confess that he was the one that prearranged the shipment of the defected cylinder heads, he denied any association with it, which caused Herbert to go to jail. The failure within truthfulness did multiply to other characters in the play. Dr. Jim Bayliss was not warmhearted toward Chris, however, it was never mentioned to him. It was revealed to the readers because Sue, Jims wife, told Ann, Chriss fiancà ©e My husband is unhappy with Chris aroundà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Every time he has a session with Chris he feels as though hes compromising by not giving up everything for research (Miller, 44). The neighbors deceitfulness was above all directed at Joe, believing that he was accountable for the defected cylinder heads, from Sue Everybody knows Joe pulled a fast one to get out of jail(Miller, 45) to Jim Whatd Joe do, tell him?à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Dont be afraid, Kate, I know. Ive always known (Miller, 74). This dishonesty covered a lot of the people in the play, making it a tragic theme. A description of the American Dream is to grow up with tons of wealth and valuable property. But there are different interpretations of the American Dream, but that is the common gist of it. At the end of the play in All My Sons, the American Dream is portrayed awkwardly in the play, where it is described how someone lives happily even after growing up, owing lots of property and becoming prosperous financially. Joe Keller had become wealthy and fortunate in his life financially but his life turned into a tragic life as the story moves towards a final end. All characters are displayed with self-satisfaction and wealth due to prosperous business, but at the end of the play Keller shoots himself to complete the nightmare. The Americans are suffering from such tragic and panic situations which come their way in the quest of financial growth and prosperity. The people have become so selfish and ethically empty that they dont have any sense of right and wrong in their hearts while committ ing crimes with the self dishonesty and with denial approaches how they think that they are doing rightfully rather thank confessing their crimes (American Dream, 2010). The family is also portrayed as a unit within the society and it is unclear or damaged by the personal actions. But despite the fact that the play is linked with the past, but the past helps out, to form a present and a future for the individuals. It is inescapable to ignore or forget crimes. The characters speak such words or dialogues in the play which reveals the different secrets about the current history of the Keller family. Arthur Miller displays how such past secrets of life have influenced the lives of his character in the play who keep themselves in the past always (All My Sons Study Guide, 2010). In the play, Arthur Miller has defined ideal family characters which seems outwardly very good and satisfied but secretly there is nothing good, having many dark characteristics of American life, which seems very appealing in media interpretation. Arthur Millers principle was to convey the beauty of tragedy to modern literature, showing that it wasnt only intended for the upper classes of nobility. He succeeded, making a modern tragedy partly based on the form of saving the loss of the tragic hero near the end of the play for instance. All the arguments among the Keller family and with all the characters conveyed tragic themes. Those themes, in combination with the plot, had made Joe Keller a tragic hero, or in Millers case, a tragic man. This tragic man fits the play entirely with the themes linked to him. All My Sons is capable of being well thought-out to be a modern tragedy since the construction of the tragic man and how his proceedings formed some tragic themes. These events resulted in Joes death, which happens to nearly all tragic men and heroes in big misfortunes.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Looking At The Roles Of Media Media Essay
Looking At The Roles Of Media Media Essay Media is described today as the fourth pillar of state, the more powerful is its media for its global impact as evident from BBC, CNN and magazines like Times and Newsweek. The Western media has tremendous impact in shaping opinions, popularizing western values and their whole life style in the world. Napoleon once said, Four hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets. The media, with specific reference to the collective entity of newspapers, radio, television and the Internet, play a very important role in national development. National development involves changes in a nation aimed at improving the political, economic and social lives of the people. In National development, the media particularly contributes in areas of democracy and good governance, political transparency, foreign policy and human rights. The real influence of the media in national development depends on the media itself, the societies in which it operates and the audience it reaches. None of these factors are the same everywhere, at all times, or under all conditions. The media in dictatorships, for example, are not likely to exercise the same influence as those in democratic societies. Even among similar types of government, other factors, such as technology, the target audience and the message, may influence the extent of media impact in the society. As the Fourth Estate, it provides checks and balances on the activities of the three arms of government; As agenda-setters, they influence the issues on public agenda; As gatekeepers, they decide what information gets to the public; As watchdog, they represent the interests of the people against powerful interests; And as for multipliers, they add to the combat effectiveness of military commanders. In military operations, on one hand the media is capable of building public opinion (e.g. Kargil); but it can also undermine public support by emotional coverage (e.g. Vietnam, Somalia). Information is power. Media can be used as a weapon against the enemy as a tool of propaganda, carrying out psychological operations for instigating public dissent against their government, dividing the enemy and countering enemy propaganda. If used prudently, media is indeed a Force Multiplier as it builds public opinion. In the words of Abraham Lincoln: Public opinion is everything. With it nothing can fail, without it nothing can succeed. Moreover, the more intense media coverage is on national disasters, the more relief materials and funds are made available by donors (e.g. India, Mozambique). In public health, media campaigns immensely contribute in the reduction of diseases, such as AIDS, SARS, leprosy and preventable children diseases (as demonstrated in Uganda, Thailand, India, Nepal and Brazil). Media strongly influences the direction of foreign policy (e.g. US policy on Bosnia and Somalia). In internal conflict situations, the media acts as an instrument of peace contributing to nation-building (e.g. post-Apartheid South Africa), but as potent force, in wrong hands, it is also capable of fuelling divisiveness and violence (e.g. Rwanda). How the media plays its role is a matter of critical importance. Where the media pursue the role in the face of professionalism, truth, fairness and justice, then the society immensely benefits, but where the media become selfish in pursuance of mainly profits and personal gains, then the society is at a disadvantage. For the media to play any meaningful role in national development, it must be free and independent. Free press is one of the built-in mechanisms in democracy, designed to oppose destructive and disruptive attitudes; the more the freedom of media in society, lesser the corruption. Secondly, control of the media by a few individuals, corporations or governments is inimical to the medias ability to effectively carry out their role. Thirdly, to succeed in their role, the media must be professional. Biased attitude, sensationalism, propaganda and distortions, negatively affect the contribution of the media in national development. Freedom of the media must therefore go along with responsibility. The newly unshackled Pakistani media lacks this sense of responsibility. Even the best of pro-people government policies are criticized and facts distorted for the sake of criticism. Pakistani press and electronic media are faced with shortage of professional reporting, inadequate resources, lack of investigative skills and modern technology. National Media, on the other hand, is used as a mouth piece by every sitting government. Indias go global mantra with more professional and material resources is having damaging impact on Pakistan. The perceived threat can be countered by improving the performance of our own media so that a balance could be created in the minds of the viewers. Projection of truth is essential to gain credibility so that the viewer does not feel the urge to seek it elsewhere. Moreover, the media must take cognizance of national security and the welfare of the people. Ownership of the media should be spread to avoid the monopoly of a few, powerful individuals, corporations or governments. Transmission of violent materials should be controlled to reduce negative influence on the society. The effect of media on national security decision-making is significant. There is no doubt of its influence and based on the information provided within this record, there can be no doubt of its power and effect on national security decision-making. It has emerged as a viable element of power. Modern technology has revolutionized the mass media especially the electronic media. While the improved communication and transportation systems accelerated the process of accessibility and verification of the stories for radio and press, the television made media-men sufficiently powerful to considerably influence the policy formation, campaign processes, issue developments etc. In third world countries the television enjoys much more power than in the developed countries. It has been continuously capturing attention and increasing the size of audience. Perhaps thats why it has become almost a rule in Third world countries to retain complete control over this aspect of mass media. The regional and global outreach of Pakistani media is negligible and is abysmally behind the media of our hostile neighbor, which continues to carry out its demonizing Pakistan propaganda. The Pakistani media has to face the challenged posed and take it as opportunity by revising its policies and updating its material and human resources to play a proactive role to project and promote Pakistan.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Card readers :: essays research papers
1. OPEN EEPROM Just what it means - open a saved EEPROM image 2. SAVE AS This has 3 options (different ways to save the image of the card) a. NORMAL HEX b. ASCII ENCODED HEX c. BIN FILE 3. VIEW This has 5 options:. a. ATR INFO- this is a break down of what is in the ATR of your card b. HU MAP- this is a map of where different data is at on the hu image. c. TIER DATA- is the data from the different tiers on the card d. EEPROM DUMP- is what you see after you read the card and then pull it. e. MESSAGE WINDOW- is the first thing you see when you put your card in. 4. EEPROM This has 7 options: a. CLEAN EEPROM - This is what you do when you want to clean any data off your hu image b. CLEAR PASSWORD - This is what you use to clear the pass word from a card that has one on it. c. CLEAR IRD - This has two options: 1. UMMARRY- this will unmarry the card to use in another ird 2. SET TO VIRGIN- that is what it does. d. CMD 90 BLOCKING - This has two options 1. TURN ON 2. TURN OFF e. FIX ATR 4TH BYTE - This is for IVAC cards. f. PATCH FILE - This has two options. (also used to patch a file into your image or card) 1. NORMAL HEX FILE 2. EXTREME HEX FILE g. CAM/ZKT TOOLS - This has three options 1. STORE CAM/ZKT 2. PATCH CAM/ZKT 3. SAVE CAM/ZKT FOR H CARD E. CARD - This has 5 options a. CHECK ATR - will do just that. b. UTILITIES - This has 6 options 1. CHANGE AREA- this is to change time zone, zip and locals byte 2. CLEAR PASSWORD 3. CLEAR IRD - This has 2 options under it aa. UNMARRY bb. SET TO VIRGIN 4. CMD 90 BLOCKING - Again has two options aa. TURN ON bb. TURN OFF 5. FIX 4TH BYTE 6. READ USW - This tells you what your USW is. c. READ CARD - This is always the first thing you your card. d. WRITE CARD - This has two options 1. CURRENT EEPROM - This will write the current EEPROM image that you have loaded. 2. HEX FILE - This will write a hex file to the card
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Lee Silverman Voice Treatment Essay -- Health, Parkinsonââ¬â¢s Disease
Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) is primary utilized as a voice treatment for individuals with Parkinsonââ¬â¢s Disease (PD), itââ¬â¢s main focus is that it attempts to increase vocal loudness and improve vocal function (Countryman S, Hoehn M, Oââ¬â¢Brien C, Pawlas A, Ramig L, and Sapir S, 2001)(Ramig L, Sapir S, Fox C, and Countryman S, 2001). There has also been success in utilizing this treatment protocol for clients with dysarthria associated with stroke, and traumatic brain injury as well as children who have cerebral palsy and Down syndrome (Marchant, J., McAuliffe, M., & Huckabee, M. January 2008)(Spielman, J Ramig L Mahler L Halpern A Gavin W., 2007,)(Wenke, R., Theodoros, D., & Cornwell, P., January 2008)). LSVT was conceived in 1987 and has been extensively studied around the world since then (Countryman et. al., 2001). LSVT is a very unique form of voice therapy in that it focuses on several very simple tasks that are designed to maximize the clientââ¬â¢s phonation and respiratory functions. (Countrymen et al., 2001). Spielman et al., 2007 indicated that the standard course o...
A Farewell to Arms Essay: Changing Perspective of Religion
Changing Perspective of Religion in A Farewell to Arms In Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms, the main character, Lieutenant Fredric Henry, undergoes a dramatic change in perspective over the course of the novel. It is most interesting to see how the Lieutenant's views on religion change as he becomes more involved in the war. Ã Early in the novel, we are introduced to the Abruzzi. The Abruzzi is a town in Switzerland, of which Henry's friend, the priest, is very fond. His father lives there and it is, for the priest, a place of quiet solitude, religious freedom, and respect. He longs for the day when he can go and do God's work in his hometown: "in my country, it is understood that a man may love God. It is not a dirty joke"(Hemingway 71). Ã The priest offers Henry a chance to go to the Abruzzi and rest with his father. Henry declines, and instead decides to go to a whorehouse. At their next meeting though, Henry feels remorse about this decision. "I myself felt as badly as he did and could not understand why I had not gone. It was what I had wanted to do...and I ex...
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Adobe Flash Player Essay
The Adobe Flash Player is freeware software for viewing multimedia, executing rich Internet applications, and streaming video and audio, content created on the Adobe Flash platform. Flash Player can run from a web browser (as a browser plug-in) or on supported mobile devices, but there also exist versions running directly on an operating system intended both for regular users and content developers, denoted with the Projector (or Standalone) and Debugger name suffixes, respectively. 2] Flash Player runs SWF files that can be created by the Adobe Flash Professional authoring tool, by Adobe Flex or by a number of other Macromedia and third party tools. Flash Player was created by Macromedia and now developed and distributed by Adobe Systems after its acquisition. Flash Player supports vector and raster graphics, 3D graphics, an embedded scripting language called ActionScript executed in ActionScript Virtual Machine, and streaming of video and audio. See more:Ã Social Satire in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay ActionScript is based on ECMAScript, and supports object-oriented code, and may be compared to JavaScript. Flash Player has a wide user base, with over 90% penetration on internet connected personal computers,[3][4][5] and is a common format for games, animations, and GUIs embedded into web pages. Adobe Systems, the developer of Adobe Flash Player, states that more than 400 million of total more than 1 billion connected desktops update to the new version of Flash Player within six weeks of release. 6] Flash Player can be downloaded for free and its plug-in version is available for recent versions of web browsers (such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera and Safari) on selected platforms. Google Chrome distribution comes bundled with the sandboxed Adobe Flash plug-in and will continue to support the plug-in in Windows 8 Metro mode. [7][8][9] Each version of Adobe Flash Player is backwards-compatible.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Greek Mythology and Immediate Satisfaction Essay
In Euripides Medea is in a state of struggle with her husband Jason. At one point she and Jason settled down and have established a family, they have also attained a degree of fame and respectability. But then Jason ends up abandoning Medea along with their two children because he fell in love with Glauce, this turn of events has crushed Medea emotionally. She is at a point where she curses her own existence. Meanwhile Jason ended up remarrying Glauce who is the daughter of Creon the king of Corinth. Creon banishes Medea and her children from the city. I believe Creon knows that there might be a possibility of Medea plotting revenge. That is why he has taken this action. Medea continues her quest for justice. Medea begs Creon for another extra day to stay so that she can plot a revenge for Creon and Glauce. Medea has spoken to Jason trying to sympathize bringing him into her confidence and sent with her children a poisonous coronet and a dress made out of gold to kill Glauce. They accepted the gift and Glauce has also worn it, .Glauce died from the robe and so did Creon after he had embraced her and absorbed the poison himself. She also ended up killing her own childrenââ¬â¢s. She did this to make Jason suffer; everything Jason had valued has been lost through the deaths that conclude the tragedy. I believe what Medea did was wrong. Taking her anger out on her children and also Jasonââ¬â¢s new wife is not the right thing to do. I donââ¬â¢t think a human being has the right to take oneââ¬â¢s life that should be up to god. I understand what Medea went through is very hard. Any person that would love someone dearly and go through what Medea went through would obviously be very hurt. It may cause anyone to plot revenge. The id from freudââ¬â¢s conception has played a part for Medea. She demands immediate satisfaction and when that happened she experienced pleasure. The ego was when she sent the dress and the coronet to Glauce. The ego has no concept of right or wrong; something is good simply if it achieves its end of satisfying without causing harm to itself or to the id. she accomplished her plan by sending the coronet and the dress. The super ego is when she leaves Coronth.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Huntsville Project Team Meeting
HUNTSVILLE PROJECT TEAM MEETING As the Huntsville project manager to effectively coordinate and host a progress meeting with team members. There are three things that must be accomplished: meeting objectives; use the minimum amount of time; and participants should leave with a sense of direction and effectiveness in the meeting process. With these criteria in mind, the process of structuring, planning, preparation, and execution of the Project Progress Team Meeting will be a definite success. Predetermine the outcome and purpose of the meeting.Prior to setting the meeting objectives, I have to decide the end results or what I want this meeting to accomplish; whether itââ¬â¢s decision based, to generate ideas, update the status of the project, etc. so that it maximizes the allotted time and all participants can come prepare. Under all the stress of schedules, and time constraints; time is a precious resource during the life of a project and it should be used wisely. Therefore, duri ng the planning stage of this meeting, I owe it to my team members and myself to streamline the meeting in the most effective way to meet and cover all objectives in the least amount of time.In doing so I would prepare the agenda with the following factors in mind: priorities the agenda to determine what absolutely has to be covered; define the end result (what I want the meeting to accomplish); identify who needs to be in attendance and if required consider previously scheduled obligations so that I pick the superb time and date for max participation. With solid objectives, a tight agenda and a commitment to involving the meeting participants in the planning, preparation, and execution of the meeting, itââ¬â¢s a common curtsy to circulate the agenda to participants (team members) to get their feedback and buy-in.This gives them the sense of belonging and lets them know theyââ¬â¢re actively contributing to the success of the project. Prior to closing the meeting I think itâ⠬â¢s important to reintegrate the highlighted points of the meeting and identify any team member due out so that everyone leaves the meeting on the same accord. Sending out meeting notes to assure objectives were met, would be the icing on the cake.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Nine Stories
Analysis: Nine Stories by JD Salinger For those like me who couldn't find any insightful analyses about this collection on the Internet: You're welcome. I have finally figured out what this is about (I think). So the fancy book club met a couple weeks ago to discuss Nine Stories by JD Salinger. Much despair was had because of our varied and confused insights into Salinger's stories. Was Seymour a pedophile? What's up with the random last line in ââ¬Å"Just Before the War with the Eskimos? â⬠How should we interpret Nine Stories?And although I haven't answered most of these questions, I can at least answer the last. So for those of who don't know how to absorb the collection, here's a little solace: All of these short stories are about the loss of innocence and the attempt to gain it back. The characters are stuck between innocence and adulthood. And, interestingly, nearly all of the stories feature an interaction between a child and an adult, the child generally being an ideal or a tool for the adult to regain innocence ââ¬â but not always.In some, even the child is struggling with the loss of ideals. Seymour Glass is the main character in ââ¬Å"A Perfect Day for Bananafish,â⬠and he's recently returned from the war with mental wounds serious enough to require psychiatric help. The first half of the story shows a telephone conversation between his new wife, Muriel, and her mother. Their discussion revolves around Seymour's problems, and ââ¬â when compared to our firsthand experience with those problems ââ¬â we realize how little they grasp and how little either of them has invested in his well-being.In the second part of ââ¬Å"Bananafishâ⬠Seymour speaks with a young girl named Sybil about catching (mythical) bananafish ââ¬â a fish whose quest for food leads to its a demise. The encounter is a bit disturbing ââ¬â sexual language abound ââ¬â and we get a feel for Seymour's anguish, although specifics are murky. Salinger uses every word to his advantage ââ¬â in a very subtle way ââ¬â and, needless to say, the encounter is quite unsettling. We have that distress confirmed when, at the end of the story, Seymour retires to the hotel room ââ¬â where his wife is sleeping ââ¬â sits next to her, and shoots himself.The significance of the bananafish is, of course, Seymour's alignment with it. The fish's quest for food translates to Seymour's quest for innocence. His quest, like the fish's, ends in death. Sybil represents Seymour's ultimate goal, which is why their interaction is so unnerving. It seems, on the outside, like he's preying on her (like the bananafish does its food), but he's actually after what she represents: innocence. He gets his fill and bloats so that he can't fit back into a world where people like his wife and mother-in-law rule. They are Sybil's antithesis, and Seymour is caught between the two different existences.It's in this limbo where Seymour ââ¬â and many of Sa linger's protagonists in Nine Stories ââ¬â perish. Eloise and Mary Jane are former college roommates who reconnect in ââ¬Å"Uncle Wiggily in Connecticutâ⬠(my personal fave). Mary Jane visits Eloise at her house, and thus ensues a night of drunken revelations. Immediately, Eloise appears unhappy to the point of severity, and Mary Jane takes a back seat to Eloise's readily apparent issues. We learn that Eloise lost the love of her life in the war (a common villain in Nine Stories) and has resigned herself to a lackluster, unwanted marriage.She's so unsatisfied with her life and her past that she takes it out on everyone, especially her daughter Ramona who has an imaginary friend ââ¬â symbolic of dreamy innocence and also indicative of a void she's trying to fill (the lack of compassion from her mother). In one poignant scene in ââ¬Å"Uncle Wiggily,â⬠Eloise berates Ramona with incredible rage. In the end ââ¬â after a LOT of alcohol ââ¬â Eloise admits her w eakness: transposing her anger onto others. She resents the loss of her first love, resents her loss of innocence, and resents the people who still have it.It's really an agonizing story about lost hope, the recognition of no longer having hope, and the desperation to ââ¬â if nothing else ââ¬â remember what it's like to have hope. She's trapped in a sort of external realm, watching herself, aware of her circumstance, and yet not being capable of moving forward. ââ¬Å"Just Before the War with the Eskimosâ⬠is about a frugal young girl, Ginnie, who comes into her friend, Selena's home to collect a cab fare and encounters her brother, Franklin, a grubby Holden Caulfield-type of character. ââ¬Å"Eskimosâ⬠really eludes any obvious meaning, but it's in there â⬠¦ somewhere. Okay, here goes â⬠¦. he larger theme is war. It's the backbone of most of Nine Stories. Franklin was not drafted, because he has a bad heart, and he and Ginnie talk about this briefly, but l ong enough for Ginnie to connect it with what they are subconsciously discussing: rejection. From the get-go ââ¬â with her demanding to be reimbursed for the cab fare ââ¬â Ginnie appears to be a girl who takes things for granted; she gets everything she wants. Ginnie's not deliberately mean, but she doesn't accept things as they are, but rather demands that they be how she wants them and easily dismisses things/people she doesn't care for.She wants to throw the furniture in Selena's home out the window, for example. Then, in walks Franklin, who is boldly himself. Their conversation begins with his rejection from the draft, then moves to his rejection by Ginnie's sister, then Ginnie's rejection of the sandwich he offers her. Ginnie is connecting with a person who has been rejected his whole life by people like her and the types of institutions that she represents. Unconsciously, Ginnie links her behavior with the behavior of war, and in the end, decides to keep the sandwich à ¢â¬â a growth in character.The sandwich is sort of symbolic of the rejection Franklin has experienced in the past(his loss of innocence), and it parallels the dead Easter chick (death=death of innocence/hope) in the last line. I may be stretching it, but the story is so tightly wound that it's hard to unravel. Ginnie is undoubtedly changed for the better because of her interaction with Franklin. Her taking the sandwich may have given him hope for future acceptance, and he gave Ginnie forgiveness and a little child-like compassion. Eh? ââ¬Å"The Laughing Manâ⬠ââ¬â Yeesh. This story is a mind-squeeze if I ever saw one, but I think I've got it figured out.The premise is that a college-aged guy takes a bunch of young boys on little ââ¬Å"field tripsâ⬠ââ¬â to the baseball diamond, for example (What are his motives? Where are these boys' parents and how do they feel? I don't know, but alas â⬠¦ ) During these outings, The Chief ââ¬â as he's called ââ¬â narrates a fable about The Laughing Man, a sort of creepy-roguish-Robin Hood character with a deformed face, a sense of adventure, and an Inspector Clouseau type-of-character after him. ââ¬Å"The Laughing Manâ⬠may or may not be narrated by Buddy Glass, a member of Salinger's Glass family. The boys-only outine comes to a halt when The Chief's girlfriend, Mary Hudson, starts tagging along, presumably because of dentists' appointments she has in the city. With the entrance of Mary, the Laughing Man's fate takes a turn for the worse. The narrator notices frustration between Mary and The Chief, and in the end, the Laughing Man meets his maker and the boys never see Mary Hudson again. ââ¬Å"The Laughing Manâ⬠is primarily a story about lost innocence. The Chief, a college student, spends his afternoons with relatively young boys ââ¬â questionable, but without a doubt, an attempt to sustain his youth.Immediately, with the entrance of Mary Hudson, the narrator senses stress between her and the Chief. The Laughing Man symbolizes boyhood and innocence, and when Mary Hudson arrives, the Laughing Man's fate becomes less certain. Thanks to Wikipedia, a plausible explanation would be that Mary Hudson is pregnant and is actually coming into the city for doctor's visits, not dentist appointments. (Who has frequent dentist appointments? ) This is most likely the case, but it's irrelevant. The moral of the story ââ¬â and what the Chief is teaching the boys through the Laughing Man's story ââ¬â is that boyhood ends. Innocence ends.Kind of depressing, but there it is, consistent with the rest of Nine Stories. ââ¬Å"Down at the Dinghyâ⬠opens with two house servants discussing Lionel, the son of Boo Boo Glass (their employer). (Another Glass appearance ââ¬â woohoo! ) We gather from their conversation that Lionel has a penchant for running away. One of them is also concerned that Lionel will repeat something she said (apparently, he has a penchant for that as well). Thus, after Boo Boo arrives at the house, speaks with the women for a moment, and goes down to the pier to see Lionel, he's trying to sail away. Where the Wild Things Are? anyone?The rest of the story is devoted to Boo Boo's attempt to entice Lionel back to shore, as it were. She tries to go with him, tries to find out why he's leaving (one of the house servants called his dad a kike), and then finally challenges him to a race back to the house. (Lionel wins. ) ââ¬Å"Down at the Dinghyâ⬠is so understated that it seems like a ââ¬Å"day-in-the-life. â⬠But Salinger isn't a ââ¬Å"day-in-the-lifeâ⬠kinda guy. Soooooooooo â⬠¦. I'm gonna squeeze this baby open. Two instances in this story are noticeably darker than the rest: the housekeeper calling Lionel's father a kike and Lionel wearing Seymour's goggles. Seymour was Boo Boo's brother). Now, Lionel's problem isn't as shallow as ââ¬Å"a boy with a penchant for running away. â⬠These two i nstances are more significant than the anatomy of ââ¬Å"Down at the Dinghyâ⬠would lead you to believe. This young boy has recently (I'm assuming) lost his uncle, and additionally, he believes that other people think poorly of his father. It's a double-blow, and Lionel reacts by running away. What seems like a story about a kid just being a kid, read from this perspective, transforms into a story about a person grappling with the loss of ideals.Lionel is realizing that the world is not as it seems; there's more going on. I believe he feels blindsided. Lionel throwing Seymour's goggles into the water is so significant, because he's disposing of distractions from the truth. Finally, Boo Boo coaxes him back into being a kid, distracts him from his disillusionment. So there is Lionel, another of Salinger's characters who is straddling the line between innocence and adulthood. ââ¬Å"For Esme ââ¬â with Love and Squalorâ⬠is one of Salinger's more obvious stories. During th e war, Sergeant X recollects his brief but impressionable meeting with Esme, a young girl in a restaurant before the war. Esmeâ⬠is totally simple, thus it doesn't need to be dissected; I don't even need to give you a rundown of their interaction. Basically, Esme represents innocence for Sergeant X during the war, a time of ââ¬Å"squalorâ⬠and adult concerns. Innocence and squalor both constitute the sergeant's existence. ââ¬Å"Pretty Mouth and Green My Eyesâ⬠relates a phone call between Lee and Arthur. Arthur believes his wife, Joanie, is having an affair, while we're led to believe that the woman with Lee is in fact Joanie. Arthur's life appears to be in shambles (lost a court case, wife cheating on him, etc. , but soon after the two men hang up, Arthur calls Lee back and makes up a story about Joanie coming back home even though she's still with Lee. Arthur is, for all intents and purposes, a man who prides himself on having a trophy job and a trophy wife, two n aive ideals. When those ideals are torn down ââ¬â in a sheer act of childish pride ââ¬â Arthur pretends they still exist. This would generally go unnoticed, but is readily apparent to Lee and Joanie, hence why Salinger chose to tell the story through their points of view. De Daumier-Smith's Blue Periodâ⬠is about a pretentious young man (De Daumier) who fakes his way into a professorship at an art school. Once there, he reviews his pupils' work and struck by a religious painting by a nun. That's basically it. De Daumier-Smith is a wayfarer, devoid of spirituality and ideals, extremely pretentious and this piece of art forces him to question his convictions. ââ¬Å"Blue Periodâ⬠is about a man who pretends to be a complex ââ¬Å"adultâ⬠but is stripped of his pretensions through an artist who evokes spirituality and idealism. Teddyâ⬠is a boy genius/profit who has an existential conversation aboard a ship with Nicholson, a curious grad student. Teddy belie ves in past lives and karma, and ââ¬â from what I know about Salinger ââ¬â represents his spirituality du jour. Salinger, in every one of his Nine Stories, is painting innocence the protagonist and adulthood the villain but is concerned with those characters torn between the two. ââ¬Å"Teddyâ⬠rounds out the collection nicely, because its main character lives and dies by his ideals. Teddy is the martyr of Nine Stories and he's meant to be the example for its characters, readers, and even its author. More analysis: Moon By Chaim Potok
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
A Good Leader Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
A Good Leader - Essay Example I am required to plan and organize events and ensure the harmony of group members, is a great experience for future positions in the business world where it might be necessary for me to organize corporate gatherings and facilitate contract negotiations. I will defend it whether it is right or wrong. I entirely disagree. I perceive myself as a malleable person and I also believe I consider otherââ¬â¢s opinions. If I defend my opinion, it means that I am confident about its validity. I believe that if I am stubborn about my ideas it is in regards to my ambition and desire to see projects through to their full potential. However, I realize that candidness towards other peopleââ¬â¢s ideas is very important in business. Without being open to other peopleââ¬â¢s ideas and perspectives, it is impossible to successfully collaborate. In business, effective collaboration is built on the open trust and freedom of expression of all group members. Through this open environment, the group is then able to compare ideas and attain a goal that would be impossible the sole efforts of an individual. Even as I ultimately see myself as a leader, I think itââ¬â¢s important to consider Franklin Roosevelt who said, ââ¬Å"A good leader can't get too far ahead of his followers.â⬠While I hope to function as a strong beacon of direction for my friends, I realize that itââ¬â¢s important to not forget the essential similarity of all human-kind and that the great thing about having friends is the chance to share the great journey of life with someone that understands.
Enzyme Activity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Enzyme Activity - Essay Example This helps in enhancing the lively activities of the living beings. The free radical formation is an important cause in causing and increasing a disease. The enzymes that act as scavengers and remove ROS can help in preventive methods of some critical diseases. The investigations regarding the enzymes that are critical for the bacterial existence provide information about physiology of microbes. The understanding of cell metabolism, evolution of bacteria and the interactions between bacterium and host can be enhanced. With this information it is possible to explain the mechanisms that regulate the organism and to find out the proteins that are necessary of existence of the cell. According to Brendan Burns, George Mendz and Stuart Hazell in the case of CAA the resonances arising from -CH and -CH2 groups of the aspartate moiety have chemical shifts and coupling constants different from those of the amino acid aspartate. Thus, it was possible to make an unambiguous assignment of CAA.2 The investigations in other enzymes lack this type of identification in case of complex activities. Regarding the results related to the study of enzymes in H Pylori the NMR method will give good results when combined with radio active tracer analysis and spectrophotometry. The activity of the enzyme in the development of H pylori is useful in developing therapeutic drugs as it was found essential for existence and growth of H Pylori. The above activity was related to the enzyme investigation regarding the existence of disease causing bacteria. There are number of enzymes with varying activities. Some enzymes even effect the skeletal in animals (as well as in human beings). These activities are studied to solve the problems regarding the muscle problems. After the structure (skeleton) of the human body the muscle is the thing, which contributes strength and movement for it. The enzymes, which affect the fibre and the muscle, play an important role in developing methods to increase or preserve the efficiency of the muscle fibre. There are 3 types of fibres according to P. D. Gollnick, R.B. Armstrong, C.W.Saubertiv, K. Piehl, and B. Stalin (1972). These fibres are interconvertibility depends on the training given. The training proved to increase red muscle at the expense of white muscle. This means that the enzyme activity was changed due to training as the enzymes acting in the existence of red and white muscles are different. FIG. 1. Serial sections from vastus lateralis muscle stained for DPNH-diaphorase (lop) and rnyosin ATPase (boltom) from four sub- jects. A and B: untrained middle-aged subject (BA). Note relatively large fibers and light DPNH-diaphorase stain in both FT and
Monday, August 12, 2019
Socical computing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Socical computing - Essay Example on management tool is social computing, which is the social aspect of interaction of people via computer systems and networks such as the internet, and encompasses a number of internet-based applications such as email, blogs, instant messaging, social book marking, social networking service, wikis, and polls (Dasgupta, 2010). Social computing has been identified to add value to the organization in a number of by enabling the management and development of business information assets (Tredinnick, 2006, pp. 228-234). Social computing tools such as wikis, blogs, and social networking sites offer a solution to information management related issues due to the inherent networking nature, which allows users to find, explore, and solve organizational problems. Moreover, social computing provides a platform for developing or improving on employee networks and permits participation (Ropes, 2010), which can lead to better employ performance, hence improved organizational performance. Furthermore , social computing can lead to more innovation, better staff abilities, and increase staff efficiency if competently employed as a powerful information management tool. This paper seeks to discuss and critically analyse the benefits, potential disadvantages and challenges of using social computing as an information management tool in the organization, and its future prospects. The advantages that this paper will focus on include enhanced customer relations, contributions to product development and innovation, increased productivity and efficiency, and general impact on employee information sharing and turnover levels. The disadvantages will be focusing on related security and privacy risks, loss of brand loyalty and fragmentation and cluttering of information. The critical analysis of social computing is, therefore, limited to the aspects of social computing that entail the various ways through which it influences information management in the organization. Such aspects include social
Sunday, August 11, 2019
BIM in Construction and Knowledge Management within Dubai Dissertation
BIM in Construction and Knowledge Management within Dubai - Dissertation Example Any uses made within it of the works of other authors in any form (e.g. ideas, equations, figures, text, tables, programmes) are properly acknowledged at the point of their use. A full list of the references employed has been included. ... on 10 Objectives 10 Aim 11 Research Questions 11 Chapter Two: Research Methodology 12 Research 12 Objectives of Research 13 Motivation in Research 14 Types of Research 15 Research Approaches 18 Significance of Research 18 Research Methodology 18 Importance of Knowing How is Research Done 19 Secondary Data Collection 20 Primary Data Collection 20 Method of Data Analysis 21 Chapter Three: Literature Review: BIM 22 What is BIM? 22 How do construction companies use BIM? To what extent? 24 Uses of BIM in Construction Industry 28 Cost Estimating 28 Visualizing 29 Learning 30 Accessibility to Information 30 Interoperability 33 Simulation 34 Facility Management 34 Scheduling 35 Strategies for implementing BIM 35 Socio-technical and socio-cultural view 38 Building Object Behavior (BOB) 39 Impact of using BIM in the industry - Six KPIs of construction and BIMââ¬â¢s impact 39 Summary 42 Chapter Four: Literature Review: Knowledge Management 44 Knowledge creation and transfer 44 Definition of Knowledge Management 48 Knowledge management in construction industry 48 Status of KM in Construction Industry 54 Knowledge management systems/ models/ processes 58 Relevance of BIM in KM 64 BIM using KM in UAE- what it means? 66 Summary 67 Chapter Five: Survey/ Questionnaire Findings 68 Chapter Six: Conclusions and Recommendations 88 References 90 APPENDICES 94 APPENDIX 1- Survey questionnaire 94 APPENDIX 2- Responses of Survey Questionnaire 98 LIST OF TABLES AND DIAGRAMS Figure 1: BIM Framework. 24 Figure 2: BIM use through the lifecycle of building construction 25 Figure 3: A parametric object design process 27 Figure 4: Cost influence during project lifecycle 29 Figure 5: Cost influence during project lifecycle 32 Figure 6: Relationships and enablers of the information value-chain in NBIMS
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Home work 1 Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Home work 1 - Article Example The contact method used was through online alternatives that could provide statistical data. The financial information and sales of both companies is available through investor information about the company. The research panel of Canalys was able to gather the information from this then find the statistical comparisons between the two companies to show how each is doing in the competitive arena. There were also other statistics gathered from the companies which had Smartphones but were not as competitive in the market. This allowed the same data to be collected with both companies and provided a specific set of answers to the overall competitiveness within the companies. The main data was then distributed to AFP to finish the study and to provide information to the general public. The information provided by the survey included several statistics related to both Smartphones. The comparison began with the fourth quarter results of 2010 with both Smartphones, which included sales of 32 .9 Androids and 31 million Symbians. The Google percentage of sales was also compared, which included 8.7% of sales in 2009 and 32.5% in 2010, compared to Nokia, which was 44% in 2009 to 30.6% in 2010.
Friday, August 9, 2019
Philosophy and Education Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Philosophy and Education - Assignment Example Being young kids and curious, excluding them from such participation may instigate hatred and as such; I can include them but protect them in the project by altering the activities they participate in and excluding their data. For example, I will prohibit Janice from the playdrough activity. The study on Math Fluency: Accuracy versus Speed in Preoperational and concrete Operational first and second grade children utilizes a quasi form of experimental design. This is because the study contains aspects of both qualitative and quantitative experiments but lack proper experimental controls that can make the researcher draw firm comparisons. It is easier to generate experimental results for general trends in circumstances where randomization and pre-selection of groups is difficult using a quasi experimental design. From the basis that most quasi experimental designs are integrated with individual case studies; results and figures obtained often affirm the findings and deductions made in a case study and therefore, permit a statistical analysis to take place. Since quasi experimental designs do not need extensive randomization and pre-screening, they cut down on both resources and time required to carry-out an experiment. Such a quasi research design can be improved through ensuring that proper statistical tests are carried out and proper randomization is done. It is necessary to incorporate control factors that might have had effects on experimental results. Since this research design entails an explicitly proven hypothesis: stress processing abilities influence reading development in a second, stress-based, language, with supporting statistical analyses in the form of tables, bar graphs, and other statistical diagrams, it is clearly a true experimental design. Such an experimental design eliminates the possibility of arguments with regard
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Companies engage in CSR because, for a number of reasons, they think Essay
Companies engage in CSR because, for a number of reasons, they think it will be good for their profit margins Critically d - Essay Example A multitude of definition of CSR exist, and the range of views on the proper scope and extent of a firmââ¬â¢s social responsibilities, as well. Whether CSR is about companies giving charities, taking care of the environment, being sympathetic to workers or assisting their communities with expectations of financial gains remain a controversial subject (Bacher, 2007, p 12) The right definition of corporate social responsibility becomes more difficult when real business examples are taken into consideration. For instance, was Google acting in a publicly accountable manner when it put up with the Chinese law by sieving the content found through its google .cn search engine? Was UBS Bank acting socially responsible by opting to spend investorsââ¬â¢ money to willingly reduce its carbon emission to attend to global warming when there is no legal duty to so. Does Heineken beer firm offer costly HIV/AIDS medication to its African workers and their beneficiaries if this is not anticipate d to bring financial gain to the company? In order to address these questions, it is essential to examine why firms go beyond the bottom line in an attempt to defend their CSR (Adams & Zutshi, 2004, p 32). A possible definition of CSR holds that the idea of social responsibilities presumes that the company has not only economic and lawful obligations, but also definite duties to the community, which go beyond these duties. Another explanation states that social responsibility is the duty of decision makers to take actions that guard and enhance the wellbeing of society as a whole along with their own interests. CSR is also taken to mean the continuing commitment by businesses to act ethically and contribute to economic development whilst enhancing the quality of life of the employees and their relations, the local community and the wider society, as well. Several elements found in various definitions suggest that corporations have duties that go beyond their bottom line (that, is, p roduction of goods and services at a gain). These duties entail helping unravel significant social problems, which the business itself has helped create (Adams, 2008, p 366). Companies have a wider constituency than shareholders only. Organizations serve a broader assortment of human values than can be captured by a sole focus on economic values. Narrower points of view on CSR hold that businesses have two main responsibilities. One is to abide by the elementary canons of each day face to face civility and to seek material gain. The second duty is the fiduciary obligation to investors (owners) is the bedrock of capitalism, and free enterprise will dry up without it. As such, definitions of CSR fall under two broad schools of thought: those with the view that business is mandated only to make profits within the boundaries of minimal ethical and legal compliance. The other school of thought holds that CSR entails broader responsibilities. Numerous factors and influences have resulted in mounting attention being devoted to the role of businesses and corporate social responsibility. They comprise of sustainable development, globalization, corporate sector impact, governance, finance, communications, ethics, leadership, business tool and consistency
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Philosophy paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Philosophy paper - Essay Example On a comparative approach a major theme that can be retrieved from these books is the aspect of Buddhism as a religion as well as the incorporation of what Kitaro Nishida term as ââ¬Å"Pure Existenceâ⬠. Introduction This paper will seek to make a comparative study approach to compare and contrast in detail the following physiological texts. These include; ââ¬Å"What the Buddha Taughtâ⬠by Walpola Rahula and ââ¬Å"An Inquiry Into The Goodâ⬠by Kitaro Nishida and translated by Masao Abe and Christopher Ives. The notion behind the book, ââ¬Å"What the Buddha Taughtâ⬠was first to introduce the concept of Buddhism as a religion. Walpola Rahula sought to bring the understanding of the teachings of Buddha and Buddhism as a religion among people. He sought to bring out Buddha as a person who was very simplistic in his nature. Walpola Rahula also introduced the Buddhist attitude on mind that states, ââ¬Å"Man is supreme-one is oneââ¬â¢s refuge-responsibility-Doubt -Freedom of Thought-Toleranceâ⬠. This indicated that man was a supreme being and he was responsibility, doubt, freedom and tolerance. In other words, man was the only being that was known to exist beyond the super natural. In this light, Walpola Rahula sought to bring about the Four Noble Truths relates to Buddhism. ... Walpola Rahula sought to explain that if the root causes of problems were eliminated from our world, then we would ensure that freedom was existent and he termed this freedom as Nirvana. However he also added that Nirvana was impossible to attain as the root could not be solely eliminated. The fourth noble truth was ââ¬Å"Maggaâ⬠that is ââ¬Å"The Pathâ⬠. This was termed as the path that was to lead to Nirvana. As stated Nirvana was freedom that was hard to accomplish because the root causes could also not be completely eliminated. Moreover, the noble path consisted of the following; Right Understanding, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness and finally Right Concentration. The Middle Path was a planned path that led to development and progress and an individual who ought to follow the noble path would be guided and protected by the existing law that was referred to as Dhamma. It also added that this path led to a fut ure that was free from misery and unhappiness (ââ¬Å"The Noble Eight-Fold Pathâ⬠). The Noble Eight-Fold Path was grouped into four categories that include: Wisdom, Morality and Mental Development. According to De Silva (1990) wisdom incorporated Right Understanding and Right Thoughts. Right Understanding was related to having knowledge about the four noble truth and what they are. This also included understanding what karma was and being knowledgeable how it comes around and ways to avoid Karma by making the right decisions. As a result of Right Understanding came Right Thoughts that could lead to thinking in a positive and morally upright manner. Morality incorporated Right Speech, Right Action and Right Livelihood. Right Speech involved saying what is true and
Team Weekly Reflection Essay Example for Free
Team Weekly Reflection Essay Compare and contrast common law contracts and the UCC Article 2 with your team. Your discussion should include the topics you are comfortable with, the topics you struggled with, and how the weekly topics relate to application in your field. Write a 350- to 1,050-word paper detailing the findings of your discussion. Law Business Law Discuss the, ââ¬Å"Legal Issues in Cyberspaceâ⬠excerpt in Section 24-5 of Ch. 24, and Section 24-6, ââ¬Å"Copyright Infringement,â⬠of the text. Discuss the topics you are comfortable with, the topics you struggled with, and how these issues relate to application in your field. Write a 350- to 700-word paper detailing the findings of your discussion. Try to do everything in moderation when you enter college for the first time. This means that you should not party too hard or work too hard during your experience. Have a lot of fun, but make sure that you understand you are going to college to learn and expand your possibilities for employment. This document of LAW 421 Week 5 Team Weekly Reflection comprises: Business Law and Order Compare and contrast common law contracts and the UCC Article 2 with your team. Your discussion should include the topics you are comfortable with, the topics you struggled with, and how the weekly topics relate to application in your field. Write a 350- to 1,050-word paper detailing the findings of your discussion. Law Business Law Discuss the, ââ¬Å"Legal Issues in Cyberspaceâ⬠excerpt in Section 24-5 of Ch. 24, and Section 24-6, ââ¬Å"Copyright Infringement,â⬠of the text. Discuss the topics you are comfortable with, the topics you struggled with, and how these issues relate to application in your field. Write a 350- to 700-word paper detailing the For downloading more tutorials visit Try to do everything in moderation when you enter college for the first time. This means that you should not party too hard or work too hard during your experience. Have a lot of fun, but make sure that you understand you are going to college to learn and expand your possibilities for employment. Law Business Law Discuss the, ââ¬Å"Legal Issues in Cyberspaceâ⬠excerpt in Section 24-5 of Ch. 24, and Section 24-6, ââ¬Å"Copyright Infringement,â⬠of the text. Discuss the topics you are comfortable with, the topics you struggled with, and how these issues relate to application in your field.
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Personal Portfolio Essay Example for Free
Personal Portfolio Essay My journey as a student started out as a young child. Coming from nurturing parents, I was always taught my ABCââ¬â¢s, 123ââ¬â¢s and colors. I was an eager student and when it was time to go to school, I was excited and motivated. As I moved on in my educational career, I didnââ¬â¢t keep with the same attitude I started with when I was younger. I feel now, Iââ¬â¢ve regained my passion to be a student with the maturity Iââ¬â¢ve gained over just this past year. I feel that I will always be a student because I will never cease to learn. Iââ¬â¢ve been successful and unsuccessful in my efforts in my formal education. With each new endeavor I take, I learn something new about myself and what I can handle. One of the biggest things Iââ¬â¢ve accomplished was the completion of high school. For me, my high school years were some of my darkest. I was in regular day school or the first two years and because of personal issues spent the last two years on home instruction. Being able to graduate with a high school diploma in the allotted 4 year time span meant so much to me and still does. Another successful experience Iââ¬â¢ve had before coming to MCC was obtaining my Medical Assistant Certification. I worked in the field for some time and decisions I made in my life, lead me to give away what I had worked so hard for. The most recent and successful thing Iââ¬â¢ve done thus far is coming to MCC. Before enrolling here, I was in a very lost and dark place in my life. I wasnââ¬â¢t sure if I was ever going to get out. I was given an opportunity at a second chance and I am going to take full advantage of it this time around. Iââ¬â¢ve encountered many challenges along the way; some of them Iââ¬â¢ve even let stunt me in my growth as a person in society. When I was in grammar school, I lost my father suddenly, as I entered high school I fell into the wrong crowd of friends and my life took a turn down the wrong path for a while and I have a diagnosed mental illness that makes everyday life difficult sometimes. Iââ¬â¢ve learned that I need to be open and honest with my life in order to get better. How Iââ¬â¢ve learned cope with theses everyday challenges it to just face every day and know my limits. I attend self-help groups that have changed my life and afforded me with nineteen months clean and showed me there is a better way to live. I decided to enroll in Middlesex County College because I need a change of pace. Before coming to MCC, I was stagnant; I wasnââ¬â¢t sure Iââ¬â¢d ever move from the dreary place I found myself in. When the Fall 2012 semester was about to close, I had a choice, was I going to participate in life or was another year going to pass me by? I made a decision to put all my fears aside and enroll. Honestly, the first few weeks of that fall semester were great. I felt on top of the world, things were coming so easy. Then reality started to set in. I saw that I was in remedial classes and my friends were in more advanced courses some even in universities. Life started to show up and responsibilities were beginning to knock on my door and tests were on days I wanted to have for myself. I felt trapped and on some days, I really wanted to give up. However, I kept pushing forward because I know that I came this far and wasnââ¬â¢t going to give up over a little pressure. Plus, I had so much support from the people that love me I was doing this more for just selfish reasons this time. Iââ¬â¢m not sure how my professors this semester would describe me being weââ¬â¢ve only known each other a short period of time. Going on the opinion of last semesterââ¬â¢s professors, I feel they would describe me as outgoing and responsible. I remain accountable for the things I do and the things I donââ¬â¢t do. Iââ¬â¢m on time for classes and not shy about asking for help or staying after class to voice a concern. That is something Iââ¬â¢ve learned in my short time as a college student and itââ¬â¢s taught me well. An academic goal of mine in the short term has been in the short term to complete my remedial classes and some of my basic psychology classes. In the long term I would then like to matriculate to Rutgers University to complete my Bachelorââ¬â¢s degree. It has always been a dream of mine to graduate from the University my mother did. Although I donââ¬â¢t want to follow in the medical field the same way my mother did, I still want to obtain my doctorate as she did. I feel it is in my blood to help people, just in different ways. I plan to accomplish this goal by staying focused on my plan and using my time wisely. I need to start to identify my weaknesses and work on them more thoroughly. I need to obtain better study skills begin to prepare to the weeks ahead instead of the just the week or the day. Also, I need to get out of the mindset that things will get done for me or over time just go away; in life, things donââ¬â¢t happen like that. In conclusion, I plan to take my new lease on life and my academic career very seriously. I have a pretty good understanding what is ahead of me of me given I keep doing the next right thing. On the other hand I know what is waiting for me if I slip and go back to the life I was leading before I made the decision to change and start this new way of life. The good thing about today is today I am free and have a choice of what I want to do. I no longer have to be dictated to on what I have to get done, itââ¬â¢s my life and from this point on I will decide how I will live each day.
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